County Purple Ribbon Clubs

Over the past decade, the MLBA 4‑H Minnesota Purple Ribbon Auction has been enhanced greatly by the many county purple ribbon clubs that have been established. For the most part, these clubs have been created to take care of individuals in their particular county. Some of the counties have raised enough money to buy animals on their own and others only supplement what is bid on the individual animals. In the end, all the money raised by these clubs enhances the auction and allows us to sell more animals at higher prices.

Clubs may be established by as few as one person to as many people you’d like to get involved. Having more people involved normally makes it easier to raise funds for the auction as well as to spread the work load around. It is important that each club register with the overall state Purple Ribbon Auction Committee. You can do that by contacting the secretary, Steve Pooch at 651-323-4210 or the Finance Chairman, Kent Thiesse 507-381-7960.

We will then keep you updated relative to mailings as well as getting you information for the auction. Having your contact information will also allow us to invite you to our Saturday meeting, where the current auction participants and potential buyers are discussed. If you have a purple ribbon club that is not currently receiving the auction information from our office and would like to be getting it, please let us know. As well, if you presently don’t have a purple ribbon club in your county and would like more information on putting one together, please feel free to contact us for assistance. We look forward to working with all the counties to make our auction even stronger in the coming years.